Al - Mukmin sebenar akan merasa gembira kerana berterima kasih kepada Allah s.w.t atas kurniaan kesempatan dan peluang untuk mereka mendapat keampunan di bulan Ramadhan. Sudah tentu mukmin ini merasa puas dengan usahanya yang berganda, walaupun penerimaannya adalah terpulang kepada Allah SWT semata. Ia bertepatan dengan Hadith Nabi SAW :

"Sesiapa yang merasa gembira apabila ia melakukan amal baik dan merasa buruk dengan perlakuan dosanya, itulah ciri Mukmin sejati " (Riwayat At-Tirmizi, no 2165, 4/465 ; Tirmizi : Hasan Sohih ; Al-Haithami : perawinya sohih , rujuk Majma Az-Zawaid, 1/86 )

Selain mengenangkan usaha berganda yang telah dilakukan sewaktu Ramadhan, bergembira juga atas kejayaan membina ‘benteng kukuh' dari godaan Syaitan, bukankah Nabi SAW telah menyebut bahawa "Puasa itu benteng" (Riwayat Al-Bukhari).

Taqabballahu Minna Wa Minkum Solehal A'Mal... Ya Allah semoga amal yg kami lakukan kekal berpanjangan walaupun Ramadhan berlalu...ameen!!


Sunday, August 31, 2008

Talkin untuk ku..

Mahasuci Tuhan yang Engkau bersifat dengan Baqa' dan Qidam, Tuhan yang berkuasa mematikan sekalian yang bernyawa, Mahasuci Tuhan yang menjadikan mati dan hidup untuk menguji siapa yang baik dan siapa yang kecewa. Mahasuci Tuhan yang menjadikan lubang kubur sebesar-besar pengajaran untuk menjadi iktibar kepada orang yang lalai, dan sebesar-besar amaran kepada orang yang masih hidup. Ingatlah! Bahawa sekalian mahluk Allah akan jahanam dan binasa, melainkan zat Allah Taala. Ialah Tuhan yang Mahabesar kuasa menghukum, manakala kita sekalian akan kembali menghadap hadirat Allah Taala.
Wahai SAYA Bin IBU SAYA, wahai SAYA Bin IBU SAYA, wahai SAYA Bin IBU SAYA, hendaklah kamu ingat akan janji-janji Allah yang mana kamu ada bawa bersama-sama dari dunia ini. Sekarang kamu telah menuju masuk ke dunia Akhirat. Kamu telah mengaku bahawa tiada Tuhan yang disembah dengan sebenar-benarnya melainkan Allah, dan bahawa senya Nabi Muhammad itu Pesuruh Allah.
Ingatlah wahai SAYA Bin IBU SAYA, apabila datang kepada kamu 2 malaikat sebagai wakil Tuhan yang menemui kamu, iaitu Mungkar dan Nakir, maka janganlah berasa gentar dan takut, janganlah kamu berdukacita dan risau serta janganlah kamu susah-hati dan terkejut. Ketahuilah wahai SAYA Bin IBU SAYA, bahawa senya Mungkar dan Nakir itu hamba Allah Taala, sebagaimana kamu juga hamba Allah Taala. Apabila mereka menyuruh kamu duduk, mereka juga akan menyoal kamu.
Mereka berkata: Siapakah Tuhan kamu?
Siapakah Nabi kamu?
Apakah agama kamu?
Apakah nama kiblat kamu?
Siapakah saudara kamu?
Apakah pegangan iktikad kamu?
Dan apakah kalimah yang kamu bawa bersama-sama kamu?
Di masa itu hendaklah kamu menjawab soalan-soalan mereka dengan cermat dan sehabis-habis terang, tepat dan betul. Janganlah berasa gementar,janganlah cuak dan janganlah bergopoh-gapah, biarlah tenang dan berhati-hati.
Hendaklah kamu jawab begini: Allah Taala Tuhanku,
Muhammad nabiku,
Islam agamaku,
kitab suci Al-Quran ikutanku,
Baitullah itu kiblatku,
malahan sembahyang, puasa, zakat dan mengerjakan haji diwajibkan keatas aku.
Semua orang Islam dan orang yang beriman adalah saudara aku,bahkan dari masa hidup hingga aku mati aku mengucap: "La ila ha illallah Muhammad dur rasulullah".
Wahai SAYA Bin IBU SAYA tetapkanlah hatimu, inilah dia suatu dugaan yang paling besar. Ingatlah bahawa kamu sekarang sedang tinggal di dalam alam Barzakh, sehingga sampai satu masa kelak, kamu akan dibangunkan semula untuk berkumpul di Padang Mahsyar.
Insaflah wahai SAYA Bin IBU SAYA, bahawa senya mati ini adalah benar,soalan malaikat Mungkar dan Nakir di dalam kubur ini adalah benar, bangun dari kubur kemudian kita dihidupkan semula adalah benar, berkumpul dan berhimpun di Padang Mahsyar adalah benar,dihisab dan dikira segala amalan kamu adalah benar, minum di kolam air nabi adalah benar, ada syurga dan neraka adalah benar. Bahawa senya hari Kiamat tetap akan adanya, begitu juga Tuhan yang maha berkuasa akan membangkitkan semula orang-orang yang di dalam kubur.
Di akhirnya kami ucapkan selamat berpisah dan selamat tinggal kamu disisi Allah Taala. Semoga Tuhan akan memberi sejahtera kepada kamu. Tuhan jua yang menetapkan hati kamu. Kami sekalian berdoa mudah-mudahan Allah Taala menjinakkan hati kamu yang liar, dan Allah menaruh belas kasihan kepada kamu yang berdagang seorang diri didalam kubur ini. Mudah-mudahan Tuhan akan memberi keampunan dan memaafkan kesalahan kamu serta menerima segala amal kebajikan kamu.
Ya Allah Ya Tuhan, kami merayu dan bermohon kepada Mu supaya tidak disiksa mayat ini dengan kemegahan penghulu kami Muhammad SAW. Subha na rabbika rabbil izati amma ya sifun wassallamu alal mursalin walham dulillahi rabbil alamin. Al-Fatihah Setiap yang bernafas Pasti akan Mati "Kullu nafsin za iqatul maut"
Firman Allah swt, "Demi masa, sesungguhnya manusia itu benar-benar berada di dalam kerugian, kecuali orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal soleh, yang ingat-mengingati supaya mentaati kebenaran, dan yang ingat-mengingati dengan kesabaran." Surah Al-Ashr

Friday, August 29, 2008

Whatever today!

Today awal pagi bangun.. LOL!!! jumpa Sly di MSN! HEPI B'DAY SLY!.. hepi '27th' b'day! HAHA! btahan saja SLY! InsyaAllah ada hikmah!..

So today aku mau ke MUARA and uruskan sumthing.... and then go get my G2S!! YESSS!!! ok wanna get ready..

... esuk school lagi...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

HOSPITAL RUSH! on 23.08.08

Four days ago, my wife was rushed to the hospital in an ambuance... She got struck by a backpain and cant move her neck! We tried to carry her but afraid if theres a problem with the spinal cord... Alhamdulillah the nurse got her into the ambulance and I rode off with them to KB hospital.

The doctor charge her with muscle pain and backache... she was detained for an hour... and the pain eased up abit... We stayed the night in K.B. I got back to Sg Liang to get some clothes and stuffs... and the RAIN was hard and blinding! I manage to get back to K.B. sleep quite well..
<--- Hujan lebat sebegini boleh membawa kemudaratan. Banyakkanlah berzikir.

The next morning my wife went 'beurut' and she felt much much better! They say its 'ANGIN'... which has been a common physical problem for locals... hm... angin... "wind"?.. "air"?.. "gas"?.. whatever!..
<---- Kipas angin juga salah salah satu sumber angin. - Gambar hiasan.

She just had a second 'urut' yesterday and she feels better now.. Alhamdulillah..


Akulah pegawai pelajaran!
Yang penuh Dedikasi!
Bekerja SIANG dan MALAM, Sebulan-BULAN!!
Mencapai Matlamat, Objektif dan VISI!!

Akulah Pegawai Pelajaran!
Ada kuasa! Penuh PERANAN!
Wahai kuli-kuli ku sekalian!!
Jangan haraplah aku kesian!!

Aku pegawai! Mesti pakai TAI!
Kamu kuli! Jangan perasan!
Setiap hari aku yang SANTAI!!
Kamu kraja saja! Sampai PENGSAN!!

Dalam Pekerjaan ku ani!
Akulah yang ngeTOP!
Kalau kamu kuli-kuli berani!!
Cubatah ngirup-ngirup!!

Jangan pikir aku ZALIM!
Pasal GAJI kamu kira ku BAYAR!
Jangan jua sangka aku ani ALIM!!
Pandai jua ku curi-curi BELAYAR!!

Bangganya aku jadi PEGAWAI!
Kamu apa tau? Kuli-kuli KANG!
Siapkan kraja kamu tu! Jangan LALAI!!

Jadi Pegawai ani memang ENJOY!
Goyang kaki pagi dan PATANG!
kalau ada pekerja ku yang AMOI!!
Memang ku naik gatal! Nada BEPANTANG!!

Ku guyang kaki, kepala dan TANGAN!
Menunggu ujung bulan! Gaji LUMAYAN!
Gaji lumayan! Ribu-RIBUAN!!
Nda lagi NDA! Memang ku BLANJAKAN!!

Memang minat ku tu kalau majlis besar-BESARAN!
Apa lagi kalau AKU tetamu KEHORMAT!
Bukan niat ku jadi KEBESARAN!!
tapi memang PEGAWAI punya SIFAT!!

Basar periuk! Basar karakNYA!
Atupun kalau periuk berisi NASI!
Aku ani pegawai basar plang GANYA!!
"Eh! Kuli! Tulong dih! Angkatkan Kerusi!!"

Pasal pangkat, aku yang TINGGI!
Kamu kuli! Stay di BAWAH!
Jangan minta kan naik GAJI!!
Gaji ku lagi alum cukup-cukup ni aAH!!
This is the final week before Ramadhan... I can't wait!! No Project during Ramadhan PLEEEEAASE!!! I need to focus!

This Saturday ada Price Giving Ceremony for Academic Project.. seriously.. it doesnt have to be BIG or GRAND... SIBUK KALIEEE AH!! I need a break!! I need time OFF!.. I'm out of JUICE!! MUN PAHAM BISAI!
cant even find a picture for my tiredness... CRAP!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008



a blackout... so.... we had a few candles... till we realised we run out of candles.. gonna get some later....



I would like to thank you all for all the nice presents..

Here's the list of gifts i got this year's birthday...

Family - Long life Loving and Caring...
Friends - Great Support and Company
School Kids - A birthday song during home assembly... ; )
GB - ... ask me to tabur baja tahi ayam!!! CEH!!
Didie - MSG4 for ps3 HAHAA
Myself - ASUS G2S...

.. but the greatest gift of all...
dum dum DUM!!!! alum kluar lagi... masih dlm packaging.. actually a present for me and my wife both... TAADAAAAAA!!!!

... well.. i got dis image from the internet plang... i havent scan ours... but ... you get the idea..

Above all.. being able to live and given the chance to do 'amal soleh' is the best gift of all..
Syukran! Syukran! Alhamdulillah!

26.08.08... my hijriah birthdate is 3rd Syawal... still have time for a MSG4.. anyone?


May I be a better self for everything and everyone that matters..
And may I always be in Allah's blessings.. in whatever I do.. before.. now... and then....

So to all of you out there... thanx for all the cards and presents guys!! Still hoping for a MSG4 though... Anyway... whatever, whenever, however.... thanx!!!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

A raptor in the cave

Here's an old image i created years ago.. Still love dinosaurs.. They seem to be new theories being made evryday about these prehistorical legends... Wonder if they're real.. maybe scientist just came up with these theories just to get publisity and sponsorship.. I dunno.. but whatever... DINOSAUR RULEZZ!!

Gonna post in some more images soon.

MGS4... mmm yum!

AAaaaarghh!! I'm coming! I'm coming for you Snake!
When i got the money!


Well... somebody STINKS! LOL!!!!
From the kitchen! smells like fried fish!
Sardine maybe.. for sure not sushi.
Go spray!!

Questions in my mind right now... with answers!

Shud i ...

...try for a school transfer? - Thinking. a new ps3? - YES!
...get a new car? - Not at the moment.
...get a new laptop? - YES!
...get a new Full 1080p HD TV? - YES!
...get another Espeed2 account? - probably next month.
...quit World of Warcraft? - Thought of it.. but NO.
...sell the xbox360? - emm.. nope.. not yet.
...go for an oversea vacation during school holidays? - Naaaah.
...start on a business? - .. err.. biz..what?!
...create sumthing COOL! - I wish... no idea at the moment.


Problem - Battery and heater...
Status - Gonna get the car later.. Hope its fixed.

XBOX 360
Problem - Red Ring of Death
Status - Fixed and ready for pick up

Problem - No Visual Display
Status - Unknown


Its Saturday and we had a little bit of walking or 'MANAU' exercise.. but its not enough for me! I need to get back to the court.. but i'm too MALAS! TIRED! and ... TIRED.. maybe another malas lah... I am so MALAS! MALAS MALAS MALAS MALAS MALAS MALAS MALAS!.. MALAS MALAS MALAS MALAS MALAS!.. there ... is dat MALAS enuf?..


i-Pixel studio..
We once did animation, 3d design.. really miss those time.
"Cana?.. Stay?"
"Tanya Warden.. LOL"

i-Pixel studio presents the first local heroic Icon known only by those who knew! HAHA!

Awang and his pretty kampung girl.. Mina... We design these characters and several others inspired by a Bruneian legend Awang Semaun.. but yet there is a twist in it.. and finally turned out to be an original story... but still the characters are inspired from historical facts. And Hopefully we can still continue this project.. My plan now is to create a comic, or a graphic novel out of this... InsyaAllah. Whatever its gonna be, we'll just wait and see.

Maybe I shud quit my job and work on sumthing more.. graphic.. but then again.. I'm not taking any risk.. Too many is depending on me at the moment. So here I am still.. teaching the kids how to draw..

I have heard a saying... "Those who cant do.... teach..".... hmm.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


'Dreaming of Clouds and Green Green Grass'
I always dream of being in such a place.. roll n the grass and lie under the tree looking at the louds whole day...
Created this with Photoshop. More to come..

Selamat Menyambut Hari Ulang Tahun Yang Ke 60 buat ayah yang tersayang!
Here are some classic pictures of him! I manage to give colours to them..
Ayah, these are for you..

<--- Picture of him still a boy..
and below is him after coming back from school back in the '60's
and the bottom one was in the early 70's...

Semoga Allah memberi kerahmatan, keberkatan dan kejayaan dalam kehidupan dunia dan akhirat.. Amin..

a desperate act today!

WOW! i cant believe i did a desperate action just now .. I $h!t in the school's toilet! It was a DESPERATE attempt.. I dont favor using public toilets... I've seen lots of bad BAD stuffs in most of them!!

Wish there is a portable toilet.. one where we can use personally.. HAH!


The CRACK... is not the problem.. its the screen not displaying anything..
If its not fix by this week .. I'm in trouble.. Next week is the Closing Ceremony for the Reading Project for Belait's Primary School, and i need to edit videos saved in that laptop... and loads of stuffs as well.. My car broke down this week too.. shud be fix this weekend.. Still.. $$$!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

There you go.. a song by Jason Mraz... gonna get some more soon.
I'm goin back late again... need to go to the bank today.. looks like i cant make it. WTH..

Swing by me sometime...

Haha! how wonderful it is if a superhero comes and sweep you off your feet...
Happy belated b'day to Shap.. Still have ur ManUtd ball... havent sign it yet..
Bila Belanja makan Korean? Haha!

"Over, Sideways and Under"... LOL!!!

I can show you the world
Shining, shimmering, splendid
Tell me, princess, now when did
You last let your heart decide?
I can open your eyes
Take you wonder by wonder
Over, sideways and under.. (LOL!!!)
On a magic carpet ride

A whole new world
A new fantastic point of view
No one to tell us no
Or where to go
Or say we're only dreaming
A whole new world
A dazzling place
I never knew
But when I'm way up here
It's crystal clear
That now I'm in a whole new world with you...


Whatever Boss..
the Boss just came to me... its about the 'MANAU'thon thing! I need to do paperworks!! Crap it isnt even my idea! but we need the money for the 'Hari Keluarga'. Feel like posting the picture above... Now i gotta finish up the paperwork..
Aaaah.. Alhamdulillah..Fuzzy just told me she'll do the paperwork.. THANX ALOT... U just saved me time and every molecule in my body.. need to get back on the trip this Sunday..

Busy to play WOW

I need more Honor Points!! And GOLD!!!

... but i dont have much time playing anymore.. so gonna be a slow progression.. Lich King is coming and i'm not prepared yet. I planned to quit dis month.. but i'll give it some more time.. atleast theres something for me to do and achieve out of reality.

craving for piZZa

My craving for Pizza!! getting stronger!.. mmm..

aaargh.. Cheezy Bite Pepperoni Lover Please!!!! AAAAhh LAPAR EH!!...

PEPPERONI... nyaman eh...

ANYWAY... i got to school late again today... 8.00A.M..... haha! MALAS TAH KU INGAU! I'd rather be late and happy than rush my way thru the traffics along Bandar to Sg. Liang... HAHA!!! I'm actually at school and some people doesnt realise it.. HahA!! GOTCHA!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Checkout this babe! Yup.. Lara croft.. I think she looks better than Angelina Jolie.. maybe just a little botox for the lips.. the REST looks fine! Wish they make a movie with her as Lara. Anyway she's just a model representing Lara Croft character for the upcoming PS3 game.. 'Tomb Raider : Underworld'..

Can't wait for the game.. Lara I miss you! LOL!

The banner

Ok! i finished my banner.. just done it wit MS Paint! Wait till i have my laptop back..

Before i finish off todays blogging, i wud like to thanks Didie for helping me out wit this thing! Oh maaan i'm going back to BSB today.. staying there.. Maybe i shud just transfer to there.. I'm starting to get tired of this job.. Teaching is fun.. especially when dealing with these kids.. but all the other tedious school functions, projects and occasions.... This month has been like the most hectic month of the year... not sure about the upcoming months... Baby is coming this November.. insyaAllah.. so i hope everything goes well... Please 'doa'kan sajalah, K!


I'm so hungry! I wanna eat pizza.. and the spicy BBQ chicken...

My laptop.. still in repair.. hope they fix it by this week.. i need it very much! But i;m getting a new one no matter what! Dis is what i'm gonna get..

... Looks GREAT! Its pricy... and im no hardcore gamer.. but... i just cant help it.. It has this design and looks that I want! I might post in the spec for the one I'm gonna buy..

p/s. My Asus G1S has a crack on its screen... hit by a Wii remote while playing the tennis game... so, let that be a lesson to me.. NEVER PLAY Wii NEAR YOUR LOVE ONES!..

Teaching art has been easier with youtube... showing the kids how to draw a face... so far so good.. I'll be posting some of my artwork soon.. I'm glad i finally know what to do with this blog.. so.. have a check often..

Monday, August 18, 2008

... err.. now what?.. LOL!!! What is this?! .. ok! ok!.. hmm.. lemme look for some stuffs... crap my fren is laughing at me for making this blog.. she laughs at my blog, every bit of pixels on it!.. 'just you wait!" ...
testing, testing... Aaaaahh.. dats more like it...
ok.. brb..

வெள்... ஹ்ம்ம்... வத் இஸ் திஸ்!!!! ஒத் கரப்.. மிச்டகே... இ அம்டே எ மிச்டகே.. நீட ஹெல்ப்!!!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Selamat Menunaikan Ibadah Puasa di bulan Ramadhan

I didnt get the G2S... but i got the another G1S instead.. wit better spec.. gonna let my bro use the first G1s when its repaired...

Just installed WORLD OF WARCRAFT on the new laptop.. and patch download is like forever + the sucky connection! Anyway.. I'm gonna hit Azeroth as soon as its all patched up! So until then... i'll just enjoy Youtubing..

Everything seems slow yesterday.. and today it seems quiet everywhere... Tommorow Ramadhan starts... "Ku mengharapkan Ramadhan kali ini penuh makna.. agar dapa ku lalui dengan sempurna"... i like that song... gonna put it up later...

Tak heran kalau lagu raya start berkumandang di radio dan televisyen.. kalau bulih durang skip Ramadhan, memang durang skip ni... tarus Beraya... Dats how its


About me

My photo
sketch, draw, design and alter...